Windows encountered a problem installing the driver software for your device

If you see this error message, there may be a hardware or software problem or a compatibility issue.

  1. Hardware or software? The problem may be with the camera driver software or with the camera itself. To determine which it is, go to Isolating the problem: hardware or software?
  2. 64-bit compatible? The problem may be older IASLab software that will not run on a 64-bit operating system.

To determine whether this is the cause, go to Isolating the problem: Is your IASLab device 64-bit OS-compatible?

  1. Too much power? The problem may be that your IASLab device is drawing too much power for your PC or laptop’s USB port.

To determine whether this is the cause, go to Isolating the problem: Is your IASLab device drawing too much power?

Isolating the problem: hardware or software?

  • Try running the device on another PC, preferably one on which you have been able to run the system in the past. Try running it with and without a powered USB hub.
  • If the software runs successfully on this PC, the problem is software-related, not hardware-related; the cause is either the IASLab software or the driver software.

To correct the problem, run the installer again, and select the Repair option.

If the problem persists, try forcing deletion of the existing drivers and reinstalling. Click here for instructions. [Links to Reinstalling the camera driver manually (pp20-22).]

Isolating the problem: Is your IASLab device 64-bit OS-compatible?

  • Newer PC, older IASLab device. If your PC has a 64-bit operating system but you have an older IASLab device, the problem may be incompatibility with the 64-bit OS.
  • 64-bit compatible? Please send the serial number of your system to so we can help you determine whether 64-bit incompatibility is the issue. The serial number will establish what software your device was shipped with and whether your company has purchased a software upgrade since it was purchased.
  • Upgrade already purchased? If a 64-bit upgrade has been purchased, the problem may simply be that you are using the installer originally supplied with the system, rather than the installer supplied with the upgrade.
  • Need to download the installer again? If an upgrade was purchased but the installer is inaccessible, you can download the software from Support/Downloads at
    • Contact QEA for a download user name and password, then do the following:
      • On the Downloads page, enter the QEA-provided user name and password.
      • Under Your Available Downloads Include, click on Download Now.
      • Download the Quick Start Guide, and follow the instructions for installing the software.
      • If you are prompted for a password when the software is started enter “5KKALV9MGF”

If the software has already been updated, you will not see this prompt.

Isolating the problem: Is your IASLab device drawing too much power?

Another compatibility issue that can produce the error message “Windows encountered a problem installing the driver software for your device” is the amount of power your IASLab device draws.

Your IASLab device may be drawing too much power for your laptop or PC’s USB port.

  • Try powering the system with a USB 2.0- or 3.0-compliant self-powered USB hub supplying at least 500mA per port.
  • Avoid using extension cables with your device.